About Us

Mailing address:

141A Kitchener Road
Milford 0620


Held by


Norma Bott, Debbie Dunsford


Heather Masefield


Lisa Burtenshaw


Alistair Laurie, Helen Pilkington, Peter Carter, Michael Barr, Frances Hague

  • We send regular email newsletters to members keeping them up-to-date on Milford issues, events, and much more 
  • We are a non-political association of local residents
  • We represent the views of our members in all matters affecting Milford
  • We aim to improve Milford's amenities and environment
  • We work with local clubs, businesses and groups
  • We provide a forum for discussion on local issues
  • We work with our Ward Councillors and the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Members on all matters concerning Milford
  • We work with Auckland Council and Auckland Transport on local environment and planning matters
  • We make non-partisan submissions to all bodies on policies, by-laws and legislation that affects Milford
  • We maintain links with other groups and relevant organisations on the North Shore and throughout Auckland to make sure our voices are heard.

What does it cost?

Membership costs just $10 per person per year. We need you to join so we have the funds and numbers to do our work. As a member, you can be as active or inactive as you choose. Go to our membership page…

What happens to the money?

We use it to ensure we can represent Milford and Milford people’s needs. Our costs include printing costs, legal costs, accounting costs, venue hire, website and communication costs to name a few.

Who can join?

Anyone who lives in Milford or cares about Milford can be a full member of the Association. All membership applications are subject to acceptance by the MRA committee. Click here to join online…

The first association of the same name was formed in 1992-93 to fight a Non-notified Consent given to build the first large-scale Milford Mall retail development on previously residential and tourist accommodation land. Although the battle was lost, there were many improvements due to the efforts of the MRA and local residents.

The current Milford Residents Association was incorporated on 10 June 2008 to inform the community about the NZRPG Private Plan Change 34 to permit High Rise buildings up to 17 storeys high on the Milford Mall site. Milford is traditionally noted for its 'Village Scale' environment and values.

Milford Residents Association has subsequently developed into a community-wide organisation to inform community members of events and developments of interest and to be a voice for the wider Milford community.

Click here to view the Rules of the Milford Residents Association Incorporated