THE MILFORD SUMMER PICNIC, Sunday, 2 February 2025, 11am-3pm. 

This informal BYO community picnic is to celebrate Milford and its popular reserve and mark the second anniversary of the 2023 floods. All are welcome to enjoy the activities and entertainment and find out what's happening locally, from Healthy Waters, Pupuke Birdsong, the Milford Storm Recovery project and more. 

Raindate if needed will be the following Sunday, 9 February 2025.  

Documents for Download

Wairau Flood Mitigation - Slide show by Nick Vigar to the Milford community 6 Dec 2024  Nick Vigar Wairau Flooding Mitigation Milford 6 Dec 2024.pdf
MILFORD RESIDENTS ASSN EMAIL NEWSLETTER 1 DECEMBER 2024 - email to subscribe to our newsletters

IMPORTANT MEETING on Wairau Flood Mitigation and Water Quality 

Friday, 6 December, 5.30pm at Milford Baptist Church, Dodson Ave, Milford

Simon Watts, MP for North Shore, and  Dan Bidois, MP for Northcote, invite all Milford residents to this community meeting on flood mitigation and water quality. Hosted in conjunction with the Castor Bay Ratepayers' & Residents' Association and the Milford Residents Association.
Featuring guest speakers from Healthy Waters and a moderated Q&A session. Be sure to attend to demonstrate the high priority our community places on these issues.

All welcome. Any questions please contact  Facebook:

This meeting is especially relevant as buyouts of flood-affected properties in the Milford area are proceeding at speed.

Alma Road Substation Update

Watercare Services advise all project work on Shakespeare Road is now complete, including road resurfacing and reinstated line markings. The team are finishing works to upgrade the Alma Road pump station and reinstate the driveway that leads to it. All work is expected to be complete by the end of the year.

Summer Activities for Kids in North Shore Parks and Reserves

These are supported by Devonport-Takapuna Local Board. See list here:

Auckland Storm Recovery Latest Update


2024 is the second Christmas Santa and his pirate shippe have been missing from the corner of Milford and Kitchener Roads and some people have been asking where he has gone. Unfortunately, Santa was in storage in Wairau Road and was damaged in the Anniversary Weekend floods in 2023. Murray Hill of the Milford Business Assn hopes to get funding for Milford's Santa to be rebuilt/replaced during 2025. Thanks to Ian Mueller for finding out about this. Damaged Santa: Santa 8.jpeg

Into Ocean & Ice: Artists explore a changing Antarctica, Exhibition 29 Nov 2024 - 31 Aug 2025, NZ Maritime Museum

Staying in Auckland over the summer? Take a trip into downtown and visit this exhibition and the permanent collections at the Maritime Museum. Open 10am-5pm. Free to Aucklanders (take proof of address, e.g. utility bill). 

Into Ocean & Ice. Five artists interpret the remote cool South, taking in Ernest Shackleton's failed yet epic Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1914-1917) to the Weddell and Ross seas, and modern-day South Georgia in the South Atlantic Ocean, where the climate crisis has glaciers on the run and biodiversity experts worried. 


Milford Residents Assn's 18 November 2024 email newsletter - email to receive these

IMPORTANT MEETING on Wairau Flood Mitigation and Water Quality

Friday, 6 December, 5.30pm at Milford Baptist Church, Dodson Ave, Milford

Simon Watts, MP for North Shore, and  Dan Bidois, MP for Northcote, invite all Milford residents to this community meeting on flood mitigation and water quality. Hosted in conjunction with the Castor Bay Ratepayers' & Residents' Association and the Milford Residents Association.
Featuring guest speakers from Healthy Waters and a moderated Q&A session. Be sure to attend to demonstrate the high priority our community places on these issues.

All welcome. Any questions please contact  Facebook:

Storm Recovery Office Update

The latest newsletter is available here:  Some 213 Milford properties have opted into the categorisation process, with 83 being assessed as Category 3 (eligible for buyout) and 31 assessed as Categories 1 or 2. Ninety-nine properties are still being assessed. It should be noted that 60% of property owners did not opt into the categorisation process which closed on 30 September. Some Category 3 houses have already been or are in the process of being removed/deconstructed.  


Parking wardens are not a common sight in Kitchener Road these days. Unfortunately, this does not mean we are being left to our own devices. Auckland Transport are instead using camera cars to monitor the 30 minute parking limit. This operates 7 days a week as far out as Pierce Road. You may have already received a parking fine as a result. So, if you are intending to do more than visit a couple of stores or linger over your coffee, we recommend you park in the Kitchener Rd car park (2 hours max), the Milford Centre car parks (3 hours max) or use the streets beyond the 30 minute zone. 

Note: parking wardens still monitor the Kitchener Road car park - chalk marks remain the rule there.

Auckland Transport to conduct Milford Town Centre parking study

The study was postponed from 2020 due to the Omana North construction work. The study will undertake:  

Technical analysis of parking related data:

  • Parking occupancy survey of the study area
  • Ascertain the parking inventory, its utilisation and understand the average length of stay
  • Analyse the Customer Relationship Management cases from the area for the last two years
  • Analyse infringement notices for the last two years
  • Understand alternative travel options
Perception Study based on views of key stakeholders:
  • Business Association Survey of all the businesses in the town centre
  • Review the CRM cases from the Local Board and Business Association for the last two years
  • Engage with the Residents Association and any other association in the area.
Milford Residents Assn will be actively engaging with AT with a view to keeping Milford free of parking charges. We believe this is a significant contributor to Milford being such a busy and vibrant town centre and want it to remain that way.  
Resealing of Local Roads
Resealing has been proceeding on a number of local roads over the past weeks. AT have sent us the attached Fulton Hogan leaflet. It describes the two sealing types, asphalt and chip, their benefits and the criteria used to decide which streets qualify for which type of finish. This is mainly the number of vehicles using a street, i.e. more than 10,000 vehicles a day = asphalt, less than 10,000 vehicles a day = chip. Read the details here: 2410 Customer info pamphlet on reseals.pdf
Replacement of Inga Road bridge
The 100 year old Inga Road bridge is scheduled for replacement and is currently in the design and consultation stage. You can read about the plan here:   Auckland Transport are asking for early comments from the Milford community about features they wish to see in the new bridge. Contact the Council project team with your comments:

November is a Pulse Month for pest trapping and baiting. Traps and bait stations should be set and checked.
Predator-Free New Zealand latest newsletter. For tips on trapping.
Auckland Council engagement on how to protect our environment. Your preliminary comments to Council can be made until Sunday, 8 December 2024.
Council wants to know residents' views so they and we can work together to protect our environment now and for future generations. Before they begin drafting the new plan, they want to know your views about:
  • options for cat management to protect threatened native wildlife
  • achieving pest-free islands and peninsulas in the Auckland region and contributing to a predator-free New Zealand by 2050
  • managing caulerpa seaweed and other harmful marine species
  • reducing the spread and impact of harmful freshwater species like freshwater gold clam
  • addressing the impact of climate change on our natural environment
You can have your say until Sunday, 8 December 2024. Click the link below to fill out the online feedback form or email with your completed feedback form. 
Check out the Council's webpage on this issue:'Let's%20Protect%20Our%20Environment,invasive%20species%20and%20new%20threats.
We will be sorry to farewell Tabitha Becroft who has been the Environmental Co-ordinator at Pupuke Birdsong Project for the past few years. Tabitha has been a hard worker and powerful advocate for nature and the environment in our local parks and reserves. Milford Residents Assn and Pupuke Birdsong Project have worked together on many projects but especially on clearing flood debris from the Wairau Estuary since January 2023. We wish Tabitha every success in her new role as a Community Programmes Ranger. Tabitha will still be involved in Wairau projects as a volunteer. Natasha, Grace and Maisie will continue the good work at Pupuke Birdsong.

Milford Shops Christmas event, this Saturday, 23 November, 10am to 3pm, brought to you by Milford Business Assn

Christmas in Milford is back for 2024!  Come join the fun on Saturday 23 November from 10am - 3pm for a festive day out for the whole family.
  • Visit the Santa Grotto at Milford Centre
  • Grab a bite from a range of food trucks
  • Enjoy live entertainment
  • Shop 40+ market stalls for holiday gifts
  • Plus, prizes and fun activities for kids!
Enjoy this opportunity for Christmas shopping, delicious food, and family fun.
Japanese Market, this Sunday, 24 November, 2.30-5.30pm, in Milford Senior Citizens Community Hall
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