Your contribution to MRA’s PC34 Appeal Fund is needed NOW
MRA is currently engaging legal counsel and expert witnesses for the PC34 Appeal. We ask the whole Milford community to come together to ensure the voice of the Milford community against this excessive high rise proposal is heard clearly in the Environment Court.
We ask all our MRA members and submitters to contribute $100 to our Appeal Fund if you can possibly afford it.
This is a guideline based on the amount we need to raise and our membership numbers. If you can only afford a lesser amount or would like to donate more, any amount will make a difference and be gratefully received.
The reality is that, if members each gave $100, we would have the funds needed for the Appeal.
Please make your contribution now if you can. It is important for us to know how much money we have before we commit to paying our expert witnesses.
While we are receiving generous discounts to fees, we have to pay fair rates for the services being provided.
If you want to help stop this very high rise development in central Milford, please make your donation today to reinforce the tremendous efforts of your committee so far.
Pay your donation direct to MRA, bank account 12-3050-0484393-00, ASB Milford Branch. Email your name, address and amount to:
Alternatively, post your cheque to MRA, PO Box 31 067, Milford, 0741 including your name and address.