Milford Residents Assn email newsletter 11 March 2025. If you wish to subscribe, please email:
Events and News
Vive La France Market Day Milford, Saturday, 15 March 2025 - this is one of Milford's famous signature market day events. All things French! 11am-3pm. Run by Milford Business Assn.*F
Castor Bay Neighbourhood BBQ, Sunday, 16 March 11am. Castor Bay Beach Reserve. Sausage Sizzle, Entertainment, Toy van, Pupuke Birdsong Project. This is Castor Bay Ratepayers' and Residents' Assn's annual social event.
e-Waste Recycling Day, Saturday, 29 March 2025. Abilities, 91 Hillside Road, Glenfield. Recycle your electronic waste at very modest prices. Special event organised by North Shore Rotary and Abilities. 10am-1pm. Further details here: Abilities E Waste recycling event.pdf
For your diary: Milford Residents Assn Inc. Annual General Meeting, Tuesday, 20 May 2025, 7pm at St Paul's Church, Otakau Road. Includes presentation on local Emergency Management Planning.
Wairau Estuary Rat Baiting Team - Our Milford rat baiting team would love to have a few more volunteers. Spend about an hour a month, checking and refilling rat bait stations around our estuary to keep Milford's rat population down and our native bird population high. Bait stations only. No bodies to deal with! We are very grateful to two of our wonderful volunteers, Murray Baker and Vince West, who have done this work for around a decade. Now retirement and time away from Milford mean we need volunteers to fill in for them. Email Norma to find out what this involves:
Would you like to set a bait station at your place? We have a few available. Email Norma:
Pupuke Birdsong Project - March update: Pupuke Birdsong is our local environmental organisation, offering opportunities to volunteer at a local reserve, trap pests or be part of a team to get rid of invasive moth plant.
Auckland Council Projects and Consultations:
Auckland Transport - Safer Streets Project around Milford School - funding in place and will go ahead this year
This plan around Milford School was trialled in 2021 and has now been funded for implementation during 2025. Changes will be made in Otakau Road and Fenwick Avenue. See here for details: Graphics of changes here: Milford School Planned Changes.pdf
Auckland Council Annual Plan (Budget) 2025-2026- Have your Say
Read about the annual budget and give your feedback here:
Visit the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board team to ask any questions or leave feedback about the proposed annual plan. You must register to attend this event. Thursday 13 March 2025, 10am to 12 noon, Takapuna Croquet Club, 8 Auburn Street, Takapuna. Register by email:
Milford Residents Assn email newsletter 19 Feb 2025. If you wish to subscribe, please email:
A national sailing event at Milford and the annual Pupukemoana discovery day this coming weekend - something for every member of the family
Plus plenty more news to share.
A Class Catamaran and Tornado Nationals at Milford Beach and Reserve. Racing this week, Thursday, 20 Feb to Sunday 23 Feb 2025. Hosted by our own Milford Cruising Club in association with the NZ Multihull Yacht Club.
MCC has worked closely with the Auckland Council, Maritime NZ, SPARK and other agencies to have the appropriate permits in place for activities on the Reserve and on water courses.
Bring your family to see these fast flying cats! Racing starts around midday each day. Meals and refreshments available from lunchtime at the MCC clubhouse, Thursday to Saturday, and brunch on Sunday from 9am-2pm. All are welcome - visitors please sign in downstairs upon arrival.
MCC sends a huge thank you to all of their volunteers providing assistance on the water or onshore.
Discover Pupukemoana, this Sunday, 23 February, 9.30 am to 3.00pm, Killarney Park, 38B KIllarney Street, Takapuna
This event, run by Pupuke Birdsong Project, is a free family event to raise awareness of the ecology and threats to Lake Pupuke. An opportunity to learn through experience; guided kayaking and snorkeling tours, Pumphouse theatre tours, Killarney Park guided tours, workshops such as Raranga (weaving) and talks on relevant lake issues such as freshwater quality and pests. Competition prizes include: kayak package, Bunnings Picnic Bundle, $100 Fantail and Turtle voucher, exclusive Pupuke Birdsong Project Merch and bioluminescence tours!
Book tickets to specific activities here:
Pupuke Birdsong February Newsletter - what else is on!
Milford Storm Recovery Project 2025
The Milford Summer Picnic was a lovely family day on Sunday, 2 Feb. There was plenty of interest in the recovery project, historic photos, and the work of Pupuke Birdsong and Civil Defence Emergency Management. We are working on a formal launch of the Milford Storm Recovery Project 2025 and will advise soon. In the meantime, further information is attached: Milford Community-Led Recovery Project Summary.pdf
Links to Our Auckland articles about city-wide recovery projects:
Community Civil Defence Emergency Management Forum, Saturday, 29 March, 9am - 2pm, Te Manawa, 11 Kohuhu Lane, Westgate
Interested in knowing more about or being part of local civil defence emergency efforts? Find out more from the experts. RSVP here: or email Please let us know if you are intending to be there:
Auckland Transport - new pedestrian crossing/traffic lights project at 226 Forrest Hill Road
This project is planned start in April 2025. A letter to local residents and plan are attached: 226 Forrest Hill Drawing.pdf AT Update Letter - 226 Forrest Hill.pdf
Farewell and Good Luck to Devonport-Takapuna Board Chair Toni Van Tonder. Our Board Chair since 2022, Toni Van Tonder and her family have accepted an opportunity to move to Australia and she has resigned from the local board. Milford Residents Assn has found Toni a most professional chair to work with and we are very sorry to see her leave, while also wishing her every success in Australia. Attached is Toni's letter to the Association explaining her decision. Toni Van Tonder farewell letter.pdf
We hope residents are able to enjoy the two local events on this weekend.
From your Milford Residents team
Debbie, Norma, Lisa, Heather, Peter, Alistair, Michael, Helen and Frances
THE MILFORD SUMMER PICNIC, Sunday, 2 February 2025, 11am-3pm.
This informal BYO community picnic is to celebrate Milford and its popular reserve and mark the second anniversary of the 2023 floods. All are welcome to enjoy the activities and entertainment and find out what's happening locally, from Healthy Waters, Pupuke Birdsong, the Milford Storm Recovery project and more.
Raindate if needed will be the following Sunday, 9 February 2025.
Upcoming events coming soon!
Stay up to date with local issues and be represented as a member of the Milford Residents Association. Help make sure our community stays a great place to live.